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Thursday, August 10, 2006

Kaleidoscope Quilt

I bought fabric tonight to try and make a kaleidoscope quilt but I don't think it's going to work. I don't think I got the fabric just right. And I only need 21" tall of fabric. Guess I could always measure out 21" tall then rip the fabric across.


Melzie said...

I am not sure on that Andrea, sounds confusing to me already LOL. I will say this, that binding I put on last night WAS AWFUL OMG. I thought of you the whole time I was doing it though. That BOM I wouldnt be able to afford that either so you dont seem cheap to me at all. Send pics of your kaleidoscope pattern and fabric and I'll try to see what youre talking about. Email it if you wana litlmelzie at aol dot com xoxo melzie

Shelina said...

If you are using the kaleidoscope pattern I'm thinking of, the one with all triangles, the important thing about it is the values. You have to make sure that you have darks and lights. Also the quarter inch seam allowance so your block will wind up square at the end. Quilterscache has a pattern, and there are rulers you can buy that supposedly make the cutting easier, although I thought it was pretty easy to begin with.

dot said...

I don't really understand your delima with the kaleidoscope quilt. I do understand the BOM. I don't buy them because they are way to expensive. You can do your own by purchasing a book and doing one block a month or get a free block each month off the internet, at Quilters chache.